Comment trouver votre fosse septique

Hello, my friend, hello again; today we come together to talk about How to Find Your Septic Tank and hope the blog can help you.

Vous venez d’emménager dans une nouvelle maison et vous voulez vous assurer que la fosse septique est propre et en bon état ? Vous devez d’abord trouver la fosse.

A septic tank should be pumped regularly, or else it can cause your home’s entire wastewater system to back up. However, the septic tank can be difficult to spot if you don’t know where it was installed. This is a common occurrence for new homeowners, so it’s important to learn how to find out where your septic tank is buried and repair leaks or flooding before they become more expensive problems.

It’s also important to understand where the tank and the septic drainfield is located before digging or trenching for any landscape or building project, to avoid damaging any of the leach lines. 

If it’s at all possible at the time of purchase, it’s a good idea to ask your home’s previous owner where the septic tank is before finalizing the sale. The previous owner should be able to provide the exact or an approximate location of the lid. Though, even if you don’t know the approximate location of your septic tank, this guide will introduce you to methods you can use to figure out how to find your septic tank.

Avant de commencer

Scoping out your septic tank by walking around the yard or making calls to the county clerk is relatively easy to manage for most homeowners. If you get to the point at which you drive a soil probe into the ground, or dig up the yard with a shovel, proceed very carefully or call a professional. You run the risk of damaging wire, pipes, and other home infrastructure. 

Similarly, attempting to excavate the septic tank, remove the lid, or otherwise access the septic tank are not actions we recommend. Septic tanks contain wastewater and gasses that can be harmful, so it’s best to call in the pros for cleaning and maintenance services after finding the septic tank lid.

Tips for Locating Your Septic Tank

Consult local county records for your home’s septic system permit.

Des dizaines de chemises en papier dans un classeur.
Photo : Douglas Sacha via Getty Images

A septic tank’s location can impact nearby water sources, so installers commonly must apply for septic system permits to mitigate the risk of environmental damage or drinking water contamination. Thanks to this practice, your local county should have a record of where your septic tank is buried. 

If this record was provided with the purchase of your home, you can review the septic system diagram to determine the size of your tank and the number of lids it has to help narrow down its location. Some older homes may not have these records, however. 

Inspect your yard for signs of the septic tank.

Zone brune de la pelouse.
Photo: SingHa Wk/Depositphotos

One of the easiest ways to locate a septic tank is to simply go for a walk around your house. Septic tanks can commonly be spotted by looking for signs of a large buried object in your yard. A probable indicator would be a large divot or hill, which often occurs when the initial hole dug for a septic tank is too large or small, respectively.

Also look for parts of the lawn that are patchy and difficult to grow grass or plants on. If there isn’t a significant amount of dirt covering the tank, then it’s likely that the area will have very sparse plant growth. Should these methods fail, the odor from an untreated septic tank will gradually build until you might narrow down its location by smell.

There are a few spots where you don’t need to search. Typically, a septic tank won’t be installed under or near a système d’eau de puits, and they’re rarely buried under paved surfaces, like patios, sidewalks, or driveways. You can also rule out areas close to any major landscaping or yard features, such as a pool.

Follow the main sewer line from your home to your septic tank.

Septic tanks are connected to the main sewer line or waste pipe of a home, so you can follow the direction of this pipe to help pinpoint where your tank is buried.

Look through the basement, cellar, or crawl space to find the main sewer line running into your home. This pipe will generally be about 4 inches in diameter and made out of cast iron or heavy PVC pipe. When you locate the pipe, note the spot where it exits your home. Find the corresponding area outside and walk directly away from the house. Drain pipes are usually laid in straight lines, so you can be confident that the septic tank is buried somewhere along where the main waste pipe exits the home.

Follow the estimated path of the drain line and look for any signs that a septic tank has been buried in the area. A probe can help verify that you have found the tank’s location, and it’s also a good idea to use a pelle to uncover the lid. Mark the location with a lawn ornament, a small sign, spray paint, or measure the distance from the two closest corners of the home and keep a record of this information somewhere safe so you can refer to it in the future.

Look for the septic tank lid using a soil probe.

Un homme utilise un détecteur de métaux dans une cour herbeuse.
Photo : iStock

Septic tanks have one or two lids, depending on whether they have a single compartment or dual compartments for filtering and breaking down wastewater material. These lids tend to stick up from the main tank, so they can often be found with a soil probe (which makes for a highly effective septic tank locator tool). You can alternatively use a piece of rebar or any long, narrow object that’s hard enough to break the soil without much effort. Regardless of what you use, your probe should ideally be at least 4 feet in length. Make sure to not drive the probe too hard into the ground while probing; otherwise, you could damage the plastic septic tank lid.

Though, how deep is a septic tank? Unfortunately, septic tank installers don’t bury every tank at the same depth, so your septic tank may be buried as little as a foot underground or it could be covered in more than 4 feet of soil. You’ll want to use a hammer to help drive your probe down into the soil to find a deeply buried tank. A détecteur de métaux can also be used to locate septic tanks, and it may even detect the metal handles of septic tank lids to narrow down your probing.

When you locate your tank, mark the location with a lawn ornament or a small sign, or measure the distance from the two near corners of your home and keep a record of this information for future reference.

Check with local septic maintenance companies.

Tuyau septique épais descendu dans une fosse septique, entouré de neige au sol.
Photo : iStock

Le cost of a new septic tank is enough that it’s worthwhile to invest in tank cleaning and maintenance, instead of needing to upgrade the entire tank due to poor care and misuse. If your local government doesn’t have records of your septic tank, then it’s possible that it was installed without a permit or is an older system predating permit requirements. 

Either way, any septic system would have needed to be pumped at least once every three to five years to stay in good working order. With this in mind, you could contact local plumbing companies that offer septic maintenance services to see if the tank was previously pumped by them and if they know the tank’s location. 

Ask your neighbors.

How long a septic tank lasts depends on the level of care and maintenance, as well as several other factors. Depending on the age of the septic tank, there is a chance that it was installed at the same time as your neighbor’s tank, and may even be buried in a similar location, so you may be able to locate your septic tank simply by asking them.

Even if neighboring system systems weren’t laid in the same spots in relation to their houses, your neighbors may still have information about where your septic tank is located. Contact the neighbors who have lived in the neighborhood the longest. It’s feasible they could have seen your septic tank being serviced at some point in the last five years, in which case they may be able to point you in the right direction. 

Enlist the help of a septic professional.

Un professionnel nettoie la fosse septique.
Photo: Kaliantye/Depositphotos

If you run out of DIY options and still haven’t found your septic tank, embaucher un professionnel to locate your tank to ensure it doesn’t go unmaintained for too long. The pros have the experience and resources to track down the septic system location using public records, the history of the house, and a variety of tools designed to locate septic systems. 

While this method can save a lot of time, it does come with an added cost. With this in mind, before hiring the pros to locate a septic tank, it’s worth asking how much to locate a septic tank, as well as asking for an upfront estimate to ensure you know what’s included on the final bill.


Q. Quelle est la profondeur du couvercle d’une fosse septique ?

Pour savoir comment trouver une fosse septique enterrée, il faut tenir compte de la profondeur à laquelle le couvercle de la fosse peut être enfoui dans le sol. En règle générale, le couvercle d’une fosse septique peut être enterré à une profondeur comprise entre 10 cm et 30 cm, mais la profondeur moyenne est d’environ 30 cm. 

Q. Quelle est la fréquence de nettoyage de la fosse septique ?

En règle générale, il est conseillé de nettoyer les fosse septique environ tous les trois à cinq ans, en fonction du nombre de personnes dans la maison, de la taille du réservoir et de la fréquence d’occupation de la maison. Par exemple, les maisons de vacances qui ne sont occupées que quelques mois par an n’ont pas besoin d’être nettoyées aussi fréquemment qu’une propriété principale qui est habitée 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 tout au long de l’année. 

Q. Peut-on nettoyer soi-même une fosse septique ?

Après avoir trouvé comment localiser votre fosse septique, vous vous sentirez peut-être assez confiant pour essayer de la nettoyer vous-même. Toutefois, cette opération n’est pas recommandée car elle nécessite un équipement spécialisé, comme une pompe septique et un camion-citerne. Au lieu de cela, les propriétaires peuvent utiliser l’un des services suivants meilleurs traitements pour fosses septiques pour aider à entretenir la fosse septique jusqu’à ce que vous puissiez faire appel à un professionnel pour la nettoyer.

Q. Combien coûte l’entretien d’une fosse septique ?

L’entretien courant d’une fosse septique coûte généralement entre $100 et $1 000, en fonction de la taille et de l’état de la fosse, ainsi que de la fréquence d’utilisation. Le coût de l’entretien d’une fosse septique coût du nettoyage d’une fosse septique varie de $400 à $1 000.